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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Caroline Haas
Caroline Haas works with clients across products and markets, as well as providing ESG rating, regulatory and disclosure insights. In addition to the financing dialogue, She engages with institutional investors globally to understand their ESG objectives and develop new products to meet their needs. Caroline Haas is actively involved in NatWest Group’s and NatWest Markets’ climate change programmes and working groups.  In addition, she represents NatWest on the GFMA Board, the LSE’s Sustainable Bond Market Advisory Council, AFME’s Sustainable Finance working group and ICMA’s Transition Bond working group.  Participation in these industry groups enables She to help shape sustainable finance as it evolves. Given this dynamic area, Caroline Haas is also involved in embedding sustainability throughout NWM, from product governance, marketing and communications, as well as supporting internal carbon reduction efforts and ESG-informed credit frameworks. She was invited to join NWM’s Capital Markets’ Management Team in August to incorporate ESG into the business and is now reporting directly to Jon Peberdy, Head of Capital Markets. Prior to joining NatWest Markets, Caroline Haas spent 10 years working for a London children’s charity providing extra-curricular and academic support as Development Director and Board Trustee. She continues to act on the Governing Board of Colville Primary School as Deputy Chair.  Caroline Haas had 10 years of investment banking experience advising financial institutions across Europe on capital products at Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse which included financing M&A-related transactions. In addition, Caroline is a member of Synchronicity Earth’s advisory council, a UK biodiversity charity.   Caroline Haas graduated from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry followed by an MBA from European University.

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