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About Louisa Murray
Louisa Murray, A financial services pioneer, She was one of CIBC and Barclays Bank’s first female traders. Now a highly experienced cryptocurrency specialist, she was named on the 2020 ‘Rising Women in Crypto’ list published by Wirex and The Fintech Times. She combines her keen eye for profitability with a commitment to nurturing and supporting the Railsbank team through our rapid international growth. She strongly believes in good communication, learning to prioritise, and helping every individual recognise and develop their own special talents. When not encouraging our team to reach for the stars, Louisa’s competitive nature finds her hitting aces on the tennis court or hiking along the Suffolk Coast.
Louisa Murray, A commercial business and financial markets professional who has enjoyed a varied career, ranging from working as a high profile derivatives trader and director of a top tier UK bank, to entrepreneurial business start-ups in a variety of sectors.
Has a deep and thorough knowledge of many products and thrives upon the challenges of commercial business, with a keen eye for the profit but the ability to nurture and bring out the best from a team.
Louisa Murray, based in United Kingdom, is currently a Chief Sales Officer (CSO) at Railsr. She brings experience from previous roles at Railsr and Railsbank. She holds a St Martins School.